The 24th of Zil-Hajj marks the anniversary of the auspicious occasion of Eid Mubahila. This is the day of victory of Muslims over Christians. The event of Mubahila occurred in the 10th of Hijrah.
Najran was a fertile land located in the Northern mountainous region of Yemen about 20 Kms from Sanaa. About 40,000 Christians inhabited the land divided into 73 small towns. They were idol worshipers historically just like the Arabs but a priest named Femeon, a constructor by profession, preached Christianity in the area of Najran and soon all the population converted to Christianity and Najran became a powerful center of activities of Christians. They also constructed a church and named it \'Kaba-e-Najran\'. They prayed and offered various offerings there which resulted in an annual income of about two hundred thousand Dinars which was used for the priest who lived and studied there.
After the conquest of Mecca when Islam started spreading rapidly and the warring groups came under the flag of Islam, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) starting sending emissaries to the tribes who had not yet accepted Islam. In 10 A.H. a similar message was sent to the Christians of Najran and they were offered either to accept the teachings of Islam or live in the protection of Muslims and give \'Jazia\' - a kind of fee for protection services. When the Bishop of Najran received this message, he invited all the scholars and influential people of Najran and asked them to think and find a solution to this situation. This news spread rapidly among the masses and some people got infuriated as well but the Bishop of Najran pacified them and advised them to be mindful of the military might of the Islamic regime and try to find a peaceful solution.
Christian mission heads to Medina
After deliberations, it was finally decided to send a mission to Medina and have a dialog with the Muslims. A 14 member delegation headed by Aqib Saidawar and Abu Harisa started off for Mecca. Abu Harisa was considered as the greatest Bishop and scholar of the Christian world at that time and Aqib Sadawar was the biggest strategist and negotiator of the time. When the delegation reached Medina, the people got impressed by their lavish dressing and pomp and show since it was the first time that a mission had arrived in such a manner.
When they entered the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) looked at the precious stones, gold and silk clothes that they were wearing and turned away his face and did not pay any attention to them. After a while when no one noticed their pomp and show, they got out of the Al-Masjid al-Nabawiand met Usman and Ubaid-ur-Rehman outside and asked them as to why they were invited by the Muslims and then treated in this manner. Usman mentioned that he did not have a clue about that but if they consult Imam Ali(a.s), he would be able to tell them what was going on. They took the delegation with them and arrived at the house of Imam Ali (a.s) and mentioned about the whole incidence to him.
Imam Ali (a.s) said to the delegation that they were wearing dresses of silk and ornaments of gold which depicted their superior mentality and that they should take them off and dress simply.
Only then the Prophet (pbuh) would allow them to visit him and entertain them. when they followed the instructions of Imam Ali (a.s), they were allowed to visit the Prophet Muohammad(pbuh) after the Prayers of Asar and have discussions with him.
Source: duas.org
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